The LES Volunteer Scholarship was created by the PTO in 2017 to honor the countless volunteers who have tirelessly dedicated literally hundreds of thousands of hours to the students, teachers, and staff of Larkspur Elementary School.  Through this award, the PTO endeavors to foster a culture of volunteerism and community service.  It is a wonderful example to give to our students and one that we hope will follow them through their entire lives, inspiring others to give back too.  
Volunteer Scholarship:
  1. How did your community service hours affect or change you?
  1. How have you given back to the Larkspur Community / Larkspur Elementary?
  1. Who inspired you to volunteer or who is your greatest inspiration in volunteering?
  1. What was the most impactful volunteer project? What was your role?
  1. What were the challenges you faced during your volunteering experience?
  1. What would you like the scholarship committee to know about you personally?
  1. Did any of your volunteering influence you to study or not study what you have chosen to study at college?
  1. How do you see yourself continuing to volunteer as you move forward in life?